Our school empowers all children to fulfil their true potential by fostering their love of learning; nurturing their personal development; and enabling them to feel proud of their own achievements.
Willow Primary Academy’s mascot ‘Willow the Lion’ is linked to our school emblem, a willow tree. Willow embodies our overarching school value of PRIDE.
Adults and pupils at Willow Primary Academy are expected to show the following PRIDE values in all they do.
PRIDE also expresses how stakeholders at Willow feel about everything that happens at our school. Adults will model our school mission statement – ‘Taking PRIDE in all we do’ – and this mind-set will be expected of the children and parents too.

Encouraging others, having hope and staying happy

Treating each other fairly and our belongings with care

Developing independence and celebrating uniqueness whilst treating all equally

Developing independence and celebrating uniqueness whilst treating all equally

Trying our best in everything we do, especially our work

What Else Is Important?
In addition to our own personal values we also recognise the importance of:
- SMSC – We value the spiritual and moral development of each person, as well as their intellectual and physical growth.
- British Values – We value the importance of each person in our community. We organise our curriculum so that we promote co-operation and understanding between all members of our community.
The overarching aims of our school are, therefore, to enable children to:
- Be confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives (Individuality).
- Be successful learners who enjoy learning, build progressively on acquired knowledge and skills and develop effective learning behaviours (Excellence).
- Develop inquisitive minds and resilient attitudes in order to reach their full potential (Determination).
- Be responsible citizens who make positive contributions to society with high aspirations and ambitions (Respect).
- Create happy memories (Positivity).