School Meals

School meals are provided by Caterlink. For a copy of the menu please contact Reception.

All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are entitled to a school meal free of charge every day.  If your child does not currently have a delicious healthy school meal what a great time to start!  If you are in receipt of certain benefits your child may be eligible for a free school meal.

Parents who wish to apply for Free School Meals (FSM) should do so via the Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) on-line portal which you can access here.  No paper application forms for FSMs are sent out.  If you require any information please telephone the school and ask to speak with our Admin Team.  If you want more information about the GCC FSM portal please ring 01452 425390.

The daily cost of a school meal will be £2.54. Payment is expected in advance of ordering any food.

The School now operates a payment system for School Meals through Parent Pay. To subscribe to this system please email: your name, your child’s name, child’s class and the email that you would like to link to Parent Pay, to A link with be sent to you by return.


Spring and Summer Menu 2024


Autumn Winter Menu 2023 / 2024

Pride Lion waving