Welcome to Rainbow Class
Here you will find information about our class. Our teacher is Susanne and our Learning Partners are Sharon, Beckie and Keeley.
Sue helps us at lunchtime.
In Rainbow class we welcome the youngest children to the Centre offering them a bespoke curriculum with a focus on their interactions, language and communication. Our aim in Rainbow class is for the children to develop their basic skills and foundations for learning in a playful and fun way. Many of the children travel to and from school in a taxi, to keep in touch we use class dojo as the main vehicle for communication however, if you would like to meet face to face, please contact me for an appointment.
You can find out about our learning by reading our Blog here
Class Teacher
Susanne Quinn
Class Teacher
Susanne Quinn
I am the teacher in Rainbow class. I have taught children from nursery to year six in both mainstream primary schools and in special schools. I began working in the Piper Centre in September 2021 and I take great pride in helping children reach their full potential.
Learning Partner
Sharon White
Learning Partner
Sharon White
I am a HLTA in Rainbow class. I have worked in education for 15 years including nursery, mainstream and special schools. I enjoy supporting children through personal interventions. I have been working in the Piper Centre since 2021.
Learning Partner
Keeley Midwinter
Learning Partner
Keeley Midwinter
Hi I’m Keeley, I’m a Learning Partner in Rainbow class. I’ve worked in care for the past 10 years and have been a twirling coach for the past 10 years, working with young children. I can’t wait for this new opportunity working at the Piper Centre.
Learning Partner
Beckie Owen
Learning Partner
Beckie Owen
Hi I’m Beckie, I’m a learning partner in Rainbow class, I’ve worked in support work for 6 years visiting wide range of settings and different aged children. I’m looking forward to this new adventure at the Piper Centre.
Midday Supervisor
Sue Mace
Key Information
P.E. is taught on Tuesdays. The children are encouraged to begin to change their clothes themselves as part of their personal development. Please provide tracksuit trousers/leggings or shorts and a plain white t-shirt that they can keep in school.