Clothing Support
Families who are struggling and require assistance to purchase uniform, clothes or shoes might be eligible for assistance through a clothing grant. Please contact your child’s class teacher for further information.
Child Bereavement
When a baby dies:
Grieving for a child of any age
How we grieve and what may help
Supporting bereaved adults
When a Child or Family grieves:
When someone is not expected to live
Telling a child that someone has died
Sudden deaths
Supporting bereaved children and young people
Books films and resources to support you and your child.
Finance and Debt
Personal debt is a big problem in the UK, with one in every nine households struggling with unmanageable debt.
There is no need to struggle with this as there are many agencies who can help, please see below.
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) aims to relieve poverty through debt counselling, advice and practical help. If your financial troubles are big enough to be a concern to you, CAP would like to help. You can be assured of a confidential and sympathetic response and can contact them on Tel 0800 328 0006 or email info@capuk.org
National Debtline offers free, expert, professional advice via phone. It helps clients deal with their debts in an informed and active way. It offers self-help solutions, debt-management plans, debt relief orders and individual voluntary arrangements to people with multiple debts. They can be contacted on Tel 0808 808 4000 or see their website National Debtline.
Citizens Advice Bureau offer free advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem. They can offer advice on the following; benefits, work, debt, money, consumer, family, housing, law and courts, immigration and health. They can be contacted on Tel 01452 527202 or visit their website www.gloscab.org.uk
GamCare can help if gambling is affecting you, or those close to you? GamCare is the leading national provider of information, advice, support and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling. Their expert services are confidential and non-judgmental. National gambling helpline is a freephone number and can be contacted on Tel 0808 8020 133
Charis Grants, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, Charis may be able to help. Our schemes provide financial assistance as well as essential household items. Charis’s schemes support those who are struggling to pay their bills or have other essential needs. Please contact them on Tel 01733 421021 or email admin@charisgrants.com or see their website for further information.
Avoid screens in bedrooms
A warm (not hot) bath will help your child relax and get ready for sleep.
Keeping lights dim encourages your child’s body to produce the sleep hormone, melatonin.
Once they’re in bed, encourage your child to read quietly or listen to some relaxing music, or read a story together.
Click here for more NHS Top Tips for Bed Time Routines