Dear Parents/Carers,

We’ve had another busy week in school and the new routines and expectations are now embedded. This term is flying by and it’s October already!


Thank you for all of your kind contributions for Gloucester Foodbank. The charity collected several heavy bags of food from the school office this morning and were very grateful for the school’s donation.

Flu Vaccine

We sent out the permission slips and information regarding the flu vaccines two weeks ago . Thank you to all of you who have already completed and returned there. The advice from the NHS and PHE is that as many of us should have the vaccine as possible to protect us all from the normal seasonal flu. The vaccines will be administered by the Immunisation Team on Tuesday 5th October, so if you haven’t returned your form yet, there is still time.

Midday Supervisor Vacancy

We will be shortly advertising for two midday supervisor roles. The advert will be online at If you are interested in the post, then please speak to Lucy or Mrs Tonks in the office.

Breakfast Club

We are currently considering the possibility of being able to relaunch our school’s breakfast club, but this will depend partly on numbers of pupils who would require the service. If you are interested, please complete the form by following this link:

Governor/Parent Meet and Greet

A reminder that the Governors will be in the hall from 2pm on Monday 4th October for anyone who would like to join them for a cuppa and a biscuit. It will be a great opportunity for you to meet them and raise any questions you may have about the school.

Census Day

On Thursday 7th October, we will be offering an alternative to the usual school hot lunch. The children will have a choice of beef burger in a bun or quorn burger in a bun, followed by a delicious dessert of vanilla shortbread, fresh fruit and yoghurt.

Parent’s Evening

This will take place on Monday 18th and Thursday 21st October. Sign up sheets will be available by the end of next week.