Welcome to Green Class

Here you will find information about our class. Our teacher is Chris and our Learning Partners are Kay, Kathy, Victoria, Pauline and Alison.

Michelle helps us at lunchtime

In Green Class, we use bespoke pathways to teach the children all aspects of the curriculum with a focus on developing communication skills. Towards the end of the children’s time in Piper Centre, we prepare them for the transition to secondary school by working on the independent life skills needed for the future. During their time in Green Class, the children will also get opportunity to engage in water safety and swimming lessons.

To find out more about our learning in Green Class click here

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Class Teacher

Chris Pollard

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Learning Partner

Kathy Childs

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Learning Partner

Kay Priestly

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Learning Partner

Victoria Kelly

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Learning Partner

Pauline Sheehy

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Learning Partner

Alison King

Michelle Earby

Midday Supervisor

Key Information


P.E. is taught on Tuesdays.  The children are encouraged to begin to change their clothes themselves as part of their personal development.  Please provide tracksuit trousers/leggings or shorts and a plain white t-shirt that they can keep in school.

Forest school is taught during the week.  Please provide Wellington boots and waterproofs to keep in school.
Please label ALL items of clothing.